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Andsend & Microsoft: Integration & Compliance
Andsend & Microsoft: Integration & Compliance

Information & Disclosure for Microsoft Outlook-, Office365 & Exchange Users

Alexandra Skagerholm avatar
Written by Alexandra Skagerholm
Updated over 2 months ago

Andsend uses Microsoft’s official API (the Microsoft Graph API) to authenticate and communicate with your email account. The Microsoft Graph API uses the standardized OAuth2 Authentication Process for authorisation and authentication, which is the most secure way to handle email authentication. This method allows you to authenticate your account with Andsend, without having to share your password or other credentials with us. During the authorisation process the user is asked to consent the connection between their Email account and the Andsend App. The consent screen presents the user with the required email scopes that Andsend needs access to in order to perform email outreach. These scopes are

  • Mail.ReadWrite (Create emails and check for replies from prospects)

  • Mail.Send (Send emails)

  • View the logged in user’s basic profile and email address (Validate that the current user is the correct user)

  • offline_access (Enable Andsend to send emails without the user having to be logged into Andsend. Technically it means that the Microsoft API issues a refresh token to Andsend that can be used to refresh the access token)

You can read more about the scopes on microsofts documentation

Further information & details

For further information or details, please contact [email protected].

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