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Q: Why is my image not added to my email signature?
Q: Why is my image not added to my email signature?
Alexandra Skagerholm avatar
Written by Alexandra Skagerholm
Updated over 2 months ago

Q: Why is my image not added to my signature?

A: One common reason why your email signature images are not displayed is due to them being linked to local files on your computer (like C:\Users\YourName\Pictures\signature.png). Since these files are stored on your machine, they’re not accessible online, which means they can't be displayed in the browser or when received by the recipients. To fix this, you’ll need to upload the images to a publicly accessible location online. Many find Google Drive (especially if you’re using Gmail) or other hosting sites like OneDrive, Imgur or Dropbox helpful for this. After uploading, make sure to get a public link for each image, so it can be viewed by anyone. Once you have the public URLs, you can edit your signature to use these urls for the images, replacing the local files with the public URLs.

Here's an online guide explaining how to do it in more detail:

Here's a guide for how to update your outlook signature with an online image:

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